With the spring season fast approaching, why not get the kids out of the house and into the fresh air with some fun football outdoor games? This blog post will be full of ideas for you to try out with your children – from classics like tag to more modern games like capture the flag. So keep reading to learn all about these 10 entertaining football outdoor activities that are sure to keep everyone entertained!


If you’re looking for a way to get the kids outside and having fun, then look no further than football outdoor games! These games are perfect for days when the weather is nice and everyone is looking for something to do. From classic games like touch football to more unique ones like bubble soccer, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So round up the kids and head outside for some fun with these football outdoor games!

The Benefits of Outdoor Games for Kids

There are plenty of benefits that come with outdoor games for kids. For one, they can help to improve a child’s physical health. Running around and playing active games is a great way for kids to get some exercise. It’s also a great way for them to explore their environment and learn about the world around them. Outdoor games can also help to improve a child’s social skills. Playing with other kids is a great way for them to learn how to interact and communicate with others. It can also help them to develop important teamwork skills. Finally, outdoor games can be a lot of fun! They provide an opportunity for kids to let loose and have some fun in the fresh air. And, they can be enjoyed by the whole family – so everyone can get in on the fun!

10 Football Outdoor Games For Endless Fun

When it comes to outdoor fun, football is hard to beat. From pickup games in the park to organized leagues and tournaments, there are plenty of ways to get involved. And whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, there’s a level of play that’s right for you. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start playing! Here are some great football outdoor games to get you started: 1. Four square. This classic playground game is a great way to get kids moving and improve their footwork. All you need is a open space and four cones or markers to create a square court. The object of the game is to keep the ball in play as long as possible without letting it bounce more than once inside your square. When you lose possession of the ball, you move to the back of the line and wait for your next turn. 2. H-O-R-S-E. Another classic game that can be played with just a ball and some open space. The rules are simple: take turns shooting from anywhere on the court, and if you make it, your opponent has to match your shot. If they miss, they earn a letter (H-O-R-S-E). First one to spell HORSE loses! 3. Around the World. This game is perfect for honing those long-range shooting skills. set up cones or markers at different

– Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a timeless classic when it comes to outdoor games for kids. All you need is a big open space, two teams, and some flags (or even just socks will do in a pinch). The objective of the game is to capture the other team’s flag and bring it back to your own base without getting caught. If you’re caught, you’re sent to jail and can only be freed by one of your teammates tagging you. This is a great game for encouraging teamwork and communication, as well as getting some exercise!

– Red Rover

Red Rover is a football outdoor game that can be played with two teams of any size. Each team lines up on opposite sides of a yard or field, and each team has one football. The object of the game is to get the football from one side to the other without getting tackled. To start the game, one team calls out, “Red rover, red rover, let (insert name) come over!” The named player then runs across the field to the other team’s side, trying to avoid being tackled. If he or she makes it across safely, that player gets to choose one member of the other team to go back to their own side. If the player is tackled before making it across, he or she goes back to their own team. The game continues until one team has no players left, at which point that team loses.

– Kickball

When it comes to outdoor games, football is a classic. But what if your kids are tired of the same old game? Kickball is the perfect solution! It’s a fun, active game that will get your kids moving and burning off energy. Plus, it’s easy to set up and can be played with just a few people.

– 4 Square

If you have a small backyard or live in an apartment, 4 square is the perfect game to get the kids outside and playing together. All you need is a piece of chalk to draw a square on the ground, and a ball. The object of the game is to keep the ball inside the square without being touched by another player. If the ball goes out of bounds or is touched by another player, that player is out. The last player standing is the winner!

– Tag Football

If you’re looking for a fun and active way to get the kids outside, look no further than tag football! This classic game is a great way to get everyone moving and having a blast. All you need is a ball and some open space, and you’re good to go. Here are a few tips to make sure your game of tag football is a success: – Choose teams of an equal number of players. This will ensure that everyone has a fair chance at playing. – If you have more than two teams, divide the players up so that each team has an equal number of players. This will help keep the game fair and prevent one team from getting overwhelmed. – Make sure the playing area is clear of any obstacles that could trip players or cause injury. This includes things like rocks, sticks, and holes. – Set boundaries for the playing area so that players know where they can go. This will help prevent anyone from wandering off and getting lost. – Designate one player as the “quarterback” for each team. This player will be responsible for throwing the ball to other players on their team. – The object of the game is to score touchdowns by catching passes from the quarterback or by running the ball into the end zone. Play until one team scores a certain number of points, or until time runs out.

– Attack and Defend

When it comes to football, there are two ways to play: attack and defend. If you want to score goals, you’ll need to be good at both! Defending is all about keeping the other team from scoring. You’ll need to be quick and stay in front of the person with the ball. When they try to shoot, block the ball with your body or your feet. Attacking is all about getting the ball into the other team’s net. You’ll need to be fast and tricky. Dribble around defenders, pass the ball to your teammates, and take shots when you’re close to the goal. Both attacking and defending require practice and skill. But once you get the hang of it, playing football will be endless fun!

– Keep Away

1. – Keep Away This is a simple game that can be played with as few as two people. All you need is a ball and some open space. The object of the game is to keep the ball away from the other player for as long as possible. To do this, you’ll need to use your feet, legs, and body to control the ball. This game is great for developing coordination and control.

– Foot Golf

Foot Golf is an outdoor game that is played with a soccer ball and 21-inch diameter cups. The object of the game is to get the soccer ball into the cup in as few shots as possible. The game can be played by 2 or more people. Foot Golf can be played on any grassy area, such as a park, backyard, or even a beach. All you need is a set of 21-inch diameter cups and a soccer ball. You can either make your own cups out of plastic or paper, or purchase a set from a sporting goods store. To play, each player takes turns kicking the soccer ball towards the cup. The player who gets the ball into the cup in the fewest number of shots wins the hole. On each hole, players keep track of their score and the winner is determined at the end of 18 holes. Foot Golf is a great way to get kids active and outside. It’s also a fun game for adults to play together. So next time you’re looking for something to do outside, grab some friends and give Foot Golf a try!

– Knockout

Assuming you would like a detailed description of the game known as Knockout: Knockout is a football game that can be played with as few as two people. It is played by passing the football back and forth between players, with the objective being to score on your opponent by getting the ball through their legs. The player who scores first gets a point, and the first player to reach 10 points wins the game. If both players are tied at 9 points, then whoever scores next wins.

– Speed Ball

Speed ball is a great way to get the kids outside and active. It’s a simple game that can be played with just a few


Kids love outdoor activities and playing football is a great way to get them active, improve their coordination and have fun with family and friends. We hope that our list of 10 football outdoor games has given you plenty of ideas for how to keep your kids entertained outdoors this summer. Remember that the most important thing when it comes to getting the kids outside is having fun, so don’t be afraid to make up your own rules or tweak any of these games in order to make them even more exciting!