Looking for a fun and easy way to attract birds to your backyard? Why not try crafting your own bird feeder? In this article, we’ll show you how to make a popsicle stick bird feeder in just 4 simple steps. Read on to find out how you can create something colourful and attractive that will bring joy and life to your garden!

Introduction: Overview of Benefits of a DIY Bird Feeder

A DIY bird feeder can be a great way to attract birds to your yard or garden. Not only will you get to enjoy watching the birds visit your feeder, but you’ll also be providing them with a source of food. Bird feeders can be made from a variety of materials, but one of the easiest and most inexpensive options is a popsicle stick bird feeder. In just a few easy steps, you can create your own popsicle stick bird feeder that will provide hours of enjoyment for both you and the birds in your area. To make a popsicle stick bird feeder, you’ll need: -Popsicle sticks -Bird seed -Glue or tape -String or yarn Instructions: 1. Begin by threading string or yarn through the center of two popsicle sticks. Make sure that the string is long enough to allow you to hang the finished feeder from a tree branch or other surface. Tie the ends of the string together to secure the sticks in place. 2. Next, use glue or tape to attach additional popsicle sticks around the outside of the two central sticks. You can add as many or as few sticks as you like, but try to leave some space between each one so that the birds can easily access the seed. 3. Once all of the popsicle sticks are in place, it’s time to add the bird seed. Simply pour some seed into the center

Step 1: Gather Supplies and Tools

To make a popsicle stick bird feeder, you will need the following supplies and tools: -A glue gun -Popsicle sticks (at least 8) -A small plastic container (like a yogurt cup) -Birdseed -Ribbon or string First, gather all of your supplies and tools. Make sure you have everything you need before starting. It’s always frustrating to get halfway through a project only to realize you’re missing an essential component!

Step 2: Assemble the Bird Feeder

Start by gathering all of the supplies you will need to make your popsicle stick bird feeder. You will need: -Popsicle sticks (at least 10) -Hot glue and glue gun -Scissors -String or twine -Birdseed Once you have all of your supplies, it’s time to start assembling the bird feeder. Begin by hot gluing four popsicle sticks together in a square. Then, take two more popsicle sticks and glue them perpendicular to the first four, creating a box shape. Continue this process until you have used all of your popsicle sticks and have a solid box shape. Next, use your scissors to make a small hole in the top and bottom of the box. Thread string or twine through these holes so that you can hang the bird feeder from a tree branch or other surface. Finally, fill the box with birdseed and enjoy watching the birds flock to your homemade feeder!

Step 3: Paint and Decorate the Bird Feeder

Assuming you have already constructed your bird feeder following Steps 1 and 2, it is now time to paint and decorate it! Get creative – your bird feeder can be any color or design you want. Perhaps paint it to match the colors of your home, or go for a more natural look with earth tones. Once you have decided on a color scheme, it’s time to start painting. If you are using acrylic paint, make sure to use a primer first to help the paint adhere better to the wood. Once the primer is dry, start painting your bird feeder with even strokes. If you want a two-tone effect, consider painting the top and bottom halves different colors. Once the paint is dry, it’s time to add some finishing touches. You could glue on some embellishments like sequins, beads, or feathers. Or write a sweet message on the side of the feeder with permanent marker. Whatever you do, make sure your bird feeder is truly unique – just like the birds that will be visiting it!

Step 4: Hang Up The Bird Feeder and Fill With Seeds

Now that your popsicle stick bird feeder is complete, it’s time to hang it up and fill it with seeds! The best place to hang your feeder is in a spot where there are no trees or other structures nearby that could block the view of birds coming to eat. You’ll also want to make sure the feeder is at least four feet off the ground so that squirrels and other animals can’t reach it. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, simply tie a piece of string or twine around the top of the feeder and secure it to a tree branch or hook. Then, open up the roof of the feeder and pour in your birdseed. Make sure to add enough seed so that the birds can eat their fill, but not so much that it starts spilling out. And that’s it! Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy watching the birds come to your very own DIY bird feeder!


Making a DIY bird feeder with popsicle sticks is an easy and fun way to attract birds to your backyard. With just a few simple materials, you can make a colorful bird feeder in no time. Not only will it provide food for the birds that visit your yard, but it also adds a charming touch of whimsy. Whether you’re looking for something to do on the weekend or want to add some color and life to your outdoor space, making a homemade bird feeder is an enjoyable project that yields impressive results.